Praise & Worship
Purpose of Worship
Scripture calls believers to worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24). What this means is, our lives are a reflection of worship towards our Father in Heaven. We worship with what we watch, the music we listen to, how we treat others, and even our thoughts. 2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us to make every thought obedient to Christ. We lean on the truth of God’s word to lead us in our day to day lives as Paul calls us to offer ourselves as a “living sacrifice” in Romans 12:1, for it is “true and proper worship.” As a Praise & Worship team, we lead the congregation to the courts of heaven through song. Psalms 100:1-2 tells us to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord”, “serve the Lord with Gladness”, and “come before his presence with singing.” In order to lead others to this place, we first must be there ourselves. “Bless the Lord at all times” says Psalms 34:1. Our worship on stage ought to be an overflow of our personal encounters off stage.
Worship is a lifestyle of dedication to our Lord. We hope that our lives would be a representation of what worship looks like on and off the stage. Romans 12:2 calls us to be set apart from this world and be transformed through the renewing of our minds. In order to do this, we encourage the reading of the Word of God daily as 1 Timothy 4:7 instructs us to “train yourselves”.
Interested in Joining The Team?
Are you a Musician, Vocalist, Media Editor, Photographer/ Videographer, or Audio/Video Tech?
We would love to get in touch!